What to Know Before Getting Braces as an Adult

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getting braces as an adult

You’re well into your adult years . . . and yet your teeth are still crooked. As such, you’re considering getting braces. 

But before you do, you want a little more information on the matter. Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place. Below, we’re going to get deep into the idea of getting braces as an adult, helping you determine whether it’s the right decision for you. 

1. There Are Several Different Options Available

Oftentimes, when a person thinks of the brace, he or she thinks of metal wires. While yes, these braces are still in commission, they’re not the only types of braces available. In fact, there are a variety of other kinds out there for you to utilize. 

For instance, there are ceramic braces. These possess a color similar to that of human teeth, allowing them to blend in with a person’s smile. 

There are also Invisalign braces. These are transparent, meaning that they’re almost impossible to see when applied to the teeth. 

So, if you’re nervous about braces impairing your aesthetic, you don’t have to be scared. There are ways to straighten your teeth without negatively impacting your smile in the short term. 

2. Adult Treatment Generally Lasts Longer Than Adolescent Treatment

Though it’s not true in every case, generally speaking, adult orthodontic treatment takes a longer time than does adolescent orthodontic treatment. This is because adolescent teeth are not as firmly established, and therefore are easier to manipulate. 

As such, if you’re an adult thinking about undergoing orthodontic treatment, you should plan on having braces on your teeth for around 2 years. It could take a few more months, it could take fewer months. But 2 years is a solid ballpark figure to focus on. 

3. You Will Need to Wear a Retainer After Treatment Has Finished

Braces work by slowly moving the teeth into a different position. So, as you might expect, if those teeth can be forced into one position, they can eventually revert back to their original position. 

This is why, after going through orthodontic treatment, you will have to wear a retainer. In most cases, this retainer will need to be worn at night while you sleep. It should form fit directly to your teeth and will keep your teeth in place over the years. 

Note, retainers do need to be cleaned regularly. If they’re not properly maintained, they’ll expose your teeth and gums to more bacteria than is really necessary. This will result in increased decay. 

4. You Will Need to Go to Regular Appointments

Orthodontic treatment isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it process. It requires regular contact with one’s orthodontist as a means of readjusting the tightnesses and angles of the braces in question. 

As an adult, you’ll need to see your orthodontist every 4 to 8 weeks. At each of your appointments, your braces will be adjusted, resulting in increased tension and (therefore) discomfort. 

The good thing is that appointments don’t last long. Generally speaking, they take no longer than an hour. So, while you’ll have to see your orthodontist regularly, you won’t have to sacrifice much in the way of free time. 

5. You Might Have to Have Teeth Extracted

Not all teeth straightening processes are the same. In some cases, it’s necessary for teeth to be extracted before braces are applied. Then, the braces will pull teeth closer, eventually closing any gaps that might exist. 

So, yes, there could be gaps in your teeth for a year or two. However, as long as you finish the treatment, you’ll end up with a mouth full of straight and perfectly positioned teeth. 

6. You’ll Likely Have to Pay a Few Thousand Dollars

Though the cost of braces can vary, in most cases, patients have to pay a few thousand dollars in order to go through orthodontic treatment. The low end for treatment is usually around $4,000. The high end of treatment is usually around $7,000. 

Of course, the final cost is dependent on the type of braces you select as well. Metal braces are the cheapest; Ceramic braces are generally the most expensive; Invisalign braces usually fall somewhere in the middle. 

Make sure to speak with your orthodontist about the different options available to you. Have a full run-down of the costs so that you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into financially. 

Note, some dental insurances cover orthodontics, either entirely or partially. If you have an insurance policy that covers orthodontic treatment, you need to be sure to choose an orthodontist in your insurance company’s network. If you choose an orthodontist outside of the network, your insurance will not benefit you. 

7. You Will End Up With a Straight and Beautiful Smile

Simply put, orthodontic treatment works. It doesn’t matter whether you’re 14, 35, 50, or otherwise, if you commit to 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 years of orthodontic treatment, you will end up with a straight and beautiful smile. 

As such, braces will improve not only your aesthetic but, in all likelihood, your confidence as well. After all, if you’re like most human beings, your looks have an effect on your self-esteem. And if your looks do, indeed, have an effect on your self-esteem, then improving your appearance with braces is sure to give you a psychological boost. 

Yes, you will have to wear metal or plastic on your teeth for a couple of years, but the payoff will last for a lifetime.  

Getting Braces as an Adult Can Be Highly Beneficial

When it’s all said and done, getting braces as an adult can be highly beneficial. Though it’s a little more challenging than getting braces as an adolescent, it will enable you to finally get that smile you’ve always wanted. 

Interested in getting adult braces in Sandy, Utah? We here at Vincent Team Orthodontics are the people to see. 

Contact us now to schedule an appointment!